LassoProt API


You can find examples on how to use the LassoProt API in the Tutorial Application:


/static/lasso_data/<pdbid>/<chain>/<pdbid>_<chain>.pdb.gz For every protein with lassos in the LassoProt database it is possible to download a trimmed gzipped PDB file.
/static/lasso_data/<pdbid>/<chain>/chain_<pdbid>_<chain>.xyz For every protein with lassos in the LassoProt database it is possible to download a file containing the 3D coordinates of residues in the chains.
/files/<pdbid>_<chain>_all.tar.bz2 For every protein chain with lassos in the LassoProt database it is possible to download a file containing all the files that contain lassos description and other results.
/lasso_all_amide.txt.gz List all chains with amide bridges in LassoProt
/lasso_all_ester.txt.gz List all chains with ester bridges in LassoProt
/lasso_all_others.txt.gz List all chains with other types of bridges in LassoProt
/lasso_all_ssbridge.txt.gz List all chains with ss-bond bridges in LassoProt
/lasso_all_thioester.txt.gz List all chains with thioester bridges in LassoProt
/artifacts.txt.gz List all artifact chains with lasso in LassoProt
/errors.txt.gz List all errors in LassoProt
/lasso.txt List all chains with lassos in LassoProt
/noloop.txt.gz List all chains with no lassos in LassoProt
/trivial_loop_artifacts.txt.gz List all artifact chains with a trivial loop in LassoProt
/trivial_loop.txt.gz List all chains with a trivial loop in LassoProt

LassoProt Search API

The results page of any search run on LassoProt has a "raw" button which can be used to open a CSV formatted list of results

Example - display CSV formatted list of Non-redundant protein chains with lasso type L_1 and all kinds of bridges

The query can be specified using the following GET parameters

Parameters for searching for lassos
raw {0, 1} if 1 returns results as a "raw" text file instead of a webpage
lassoType String Show results for given type of lasso - please have a look at the Search page to see examples
bridgeType {ssbridge, amide, ester, thioester, others} Filter results for a given type of bridge (or bridges) - the string may contain a space (%2C) separated list of any of these types of bridges
fingerprinttags String Show results for given type of lasso shown as fingerprint - please have a look at the bottom of the Search page to see examples
artifact {0, 1} if 1 - show results for artifacts
set {0, 1} if 1 returns full list of results, if 0 or empty only for Non-Redundant chains
loop_len Integer;IntegerLoop length between values
N_end_len Integer;IntegerLoop N-end length between values
C_end_len Integer;IntegerLoop C-end length between values
loop_areaInteger;IntegerArea of a minimal surface spanned on a loop between values
loop_area_functionInteger;IntegerLoop area between values - this function divides an area of minimal surface spanned on a loop by a squared length of the loop
molkey String return results for the given Molecule Keyword
moltag String return results for the given Molecule Tags
pfam String return results for the given PFAM descriptor
ec String return results for the given EC code
cath String return results for the given CATH topology
catha String return results for the given CATH architecture
cathc String return results for the given CATH class
caths String return results for the given CATH Organism type
tag String return results for the given Tag keyword

LassoProt | Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Biological Systems Modelling